Whether you have children, or you depend on professionals and a work force who have children, we are all affected in some way by the health of our local school system.
A healthy school district ultimately creates a healthy community. It attracts and retains professionals with children and gives High School graduates choices for a bright future. With your help, the Sedona-Oak Creek USD Educational Foundation will accomplish that for Sedona.
The importance of well-educated children is obvious. The reasons why our school district in Sedona has struggled are not.
The financial stability of any public school in the United States depends primarily on Government funding. The level of funding allocated to public schools affects the quality of teachers, as well as the number of enrichment programs and activities available to the students. School funding in Arizona is minimal compared to most of the United States. Tax dollars for Arizona public schools are distributed to districts based solely on enrollment, with a set dollar amount per student. The cost of living, which varies greatly throughout the State, is not considered.
Sedona has unique challenges
Our beautiful landscape visited often by millions of tourists annually, creates a demand for short-term rentals, leading to increased home prices and fewer families with children. Fewer children means lower student enrollment. The smaller the student body, the less funding our school district receives.
Tough Consequences
As many community members know, a recent vote has allowed the District to sell the campus of the shuttered Big Park School. However, proceeds of the sale of any district owned property is restricted for capital improvements on the remaining school campuses. The proceeds are not permitted to be used for school programs of any kind.
That’s where Sedona-Oak Creek USD Educational Foundation comes in. We've been working with District Superintendent, Dr. Thomas Swaninger to improve our district, as well as a "wish list" for our schools. The Foundation will support these efforts.
Our Finacial Solution
Newly revived with a generous, fully invested, and growing endowment fund, the Foundation will provide continuous stability for the District's programs going forward. In order to ensure the longevity of the endowment, the Foundation's certified resolution will prevent the Board of Directors from authorizing any expenditure which would reduce the principal balance below 80% of it's highest level at any time. To be fully effective, the endowment needs to grow significantly. This will allow the investment earnings to support the school for years to come.
With this resource of capital we can bring our District to a level it has not seen in decades. We can take a school system we are becoming proud of, and create a "Destination District" which will enhance the entire community of Sedona, AZ. We are calling for generous donors to help. Join us and make a difference!
We focus on quality education in Sedona, but the SOCUSD Educational Foundation needs your help.
Click here to Donate by PayPal or Credit Card
OR...Write a check to SOCUSD Educational Foundation and
Mail to P.O. Box 20121, Sedona AZ 86341